Let me educate you reviews.

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All good
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Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by All good »

I like spending my time breaks lurking through the adds on cracker website. It has been a month I ve noticed some reviews posted supposedly by a sex worker and all entitled " Let me Educate You". It s supposed to give an insight on how guys treat hookers. I tried to contact the person behind these posts ( you can only contact her by email ) but she doesn t seem to give any hint of who she is on cracker. Anyway, wanted to share her first post and all of the rest is on cracker website. Interesting...

"I have been working in the adult industry for more than five years. I wonder when I will stop being amazed by men s stupidity. Please don’t take offence gentlemen, but I want to give you a little sample of the daily responses I have from you. I do advertise with different websites, and all my adds describe my service, my rates, location.... Of course nine out of ten clients never bother to read the adds. I can understand, there are so many girls, why would you bother reading all the valuable information included in the add. It s actually so much better to call at any time of the day and night
( hello people calling me at 2 am... Don t you think I m sleeping?...) and make me loose my time and also your time. Let s move on to the kind of dumb questions I have to face:
Me: I m available between 8am and 4pm
Mr. X: ok can I see you at 6pm? ...
Me: no I finish at 4pm.
Mr. X : ah ok so can I see you at 4.30pm....
I mean really? Then of course I loose my cool and then comes Mr. X insulting me... Very classy.

Me: I only work weekdays.
Mr. x: ok can I see you Saturday?

This is just a little sample of chapter one season one of venting my spleen. I ll lave you my email so all the haters can bombard me of your nasty comments. I just dream of the day a guy will call me and say : I m very sorry, I m a dumb horny man, and atm my dick is governing my grain so I do apologize for all the dumb questions I m going to ask you and I do also apologize for all my primitive reactions coming with it. Waiting for your comments.

With love.
Miss fuck the world."
All good
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Re: Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by All good »

Chapter 2 of Let Me Educate you. Today I will tackle the topic of all the "gentlemen" asking me for a discount.
So first of all, I have obviously fixed some rates according to the time you want to spend with me.
Let s say 30min is $250 and 1h $300 ( these rates are taken as examples)

When I have a lovely guy asking me " can you do 50 for 30 min?"

Ok this is what happens in my head:

First of all, if you want to be a pimp and decide on the girl s rate, please be my guest and create your escort agency.
Second thought, how come the guy thinks that I have this rate randomly? Of I understand there are a lot of different rates around, but guess what? How come you can pay a burger at 8 bucks at MacDonald and then a burger at 25 bucks at your local coffee shop? Hum maybe there is a difference of quality? Maybe they put some extra ingredients ? Maybe they prepare it with extra care and delivery it to you with the nicest smile? But, please if you don t care about an excellent customer service, don t bother me and try to make me lower my standards. If you can t afford the five star restaurant you are welcome to dine at the pub. Be my guest.
Thirdly, ( it s going to be hard explaining this one after using the comparison with the food industry, I kind of shoot myself in the foot! Hey hey) , when you ask me to open my legs and mouth for 50 dollars ( sorry to be rude ), do you realize that you are dealing with a human being? Yes I do give you my body but have a little bit of respect, I m a human being. You are asking a woman to give herself to you and by reducing her rate to the bare minimum , what kind of image do you have of a woman? Just a piece of dirt you can dispose of, I m lower than the dog as I don t deserve to be treated up to the sacrifice I m making, to give you my attention and affection for 30min and make you feel like a king? Then you may use the argument that a lot of girls put a higher rate but they are ready to lower it. Well, shame on them as they don t understand the beautiful treasure that we are giving you. But please, if you see a price written in an add, just respect it! You don t go to a restaurant and say " hey I want the burger at 25 dollars, but I consider it just worth 10bucks." Well guess what? Ciao!
Fourthly, you can clearly see the rate, but you still call " I just have 50 bucks and I want to see you." Well guess what again! Come back when you can afford me! Why do you make me loose my time?
I m sure I forgot so many other points on the discount topic, but it s late and I wanted to share it with you. Please feel free to reply via email. It s always a pleasure to read you.
Lots of love.
miss Fuck The World.
Posts: 42
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Re: Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by weedkook »

In this modern age of contraception, why don't women just put out? Why are they putting on this false act of not wanting/& with-holding sex ? Then we wouldn't have to shell out our hard earned for contemptuous, overpriced bitches like this one here.You sound like a real warm hearted Gem.Enjoy yr work (& don't forget ...it's yr choice, how you earn yr money) Don't complain about the people yr exploiting, they pay for yr rent, shoes , clothes & all yr material possessions...that women cherish so much.So, can I see you Saturday ? $50 for half hour OK ?
All good
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Joined: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:40 am

Re: Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by All good »

Thank you for your reply. First of all, my articles are not a reflection of the complaints i receive from clients. You complitely missed the point and i can understand that of course you think it s all about men. My articles reflect the point of view of all hard working hookers. In any job, not just in the sex industry, you have to put a brave face and be nice with your boss, colleagues and customers. Some days it is easy some days it s not. I describe all these days where you meet unfortunately these guys who made you regret to do this wonderful job. I love my job, i have multiple orgasms all day, most guys are lovely and kind. But yes i do have the occasional arshole who think he is a stud. Then concerning the rates, keep in mind we are dealing with a human being here who agrees that you are taking her body for your own pleasure. Human being are not raw peice of meat, they have emotions and a soul.moreover, just for your own knowledge, i m not a lazy hooker who just spreads my legs and get fucked. My clients are like that though: lying down like lazy bastards and i have to do all the dirty work. That s where my high rate comes from. I hope my insight help you out a little bit as i do think my reveiews are met for people for you with a short insight into the sex industry. I am talking once again about the girls s point of view, not the clients.

All the best.

Miss Fuck The World.
Posts: 42
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Re: Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by weedkook »

Fair enough.I realise yr job is difficult , & men can be arseholes & tend to be simple, sports loving cavemen (morons).I would choose my words a bit more carefully , next time.(just like I do !! ) All the Best to you.
All good
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Re: Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by All good »

Morning horny people,
So on the chapter of people playing in my nerves, today I m going to talk about the majority of you ( ooouuh the stereotype!! ) :

2)The disrespectful cunt who doesn’t t read the add.
When I started in this industry, yes there was a lot of girls advertising but today!!!! OMG!!! It’s like a rash on a new born bottom! I take a lot of care into writing my adds, you can find all the information you need: my description ( with numerous body pics linked with the adds and face pic on request), rates, location, hours of work, service description, parking facilities and even an itinerary if you take public transport. So really once you have read my add, there is not a lot of things to ask, just a face pic and then off you go for some fun time with my sexy self. Ok, I know you are not only reading my add. Which is a shame because really why would you like trying someone else ( hey, hey ). But I reckon you need to kiss a lot of frogs before finding your princess. You may not know this gentlemen, but in order to be on the top of the listing, you need to pay top dollars in order to be noticed. So already before earning money from your wallets we have to spend ¼ of our wage just on advertising. Then the calls arrive. And then starts the stupid questions “ what are your hours of work? How much do you charge? Where are you located?” URGH!!! Please do us a favor and before calling, go back to the ad, have a good look, call the girl while you have her add in front of your eyes, or write it down somewhere, but please have some respect for the girls who are just fed up to repeat everything they have written down so carefully in their add. Also if you see that the girls put “ in call only”, are you going to ask “ Can you do outcall to Wether Park?” Please bitch, shut up ok !!!!
Then I have my ultimate favorite: the guys calling in the middle of the night ( between 1am and 4am ). They are my favorite because I m a little bit of a psycho and looove harassing these clients until I can throw on them all my verbal diarrhea of contempt and disdain. Yes I do love abusing man ( only at the phone, sorry not into BDSM ). After all that s why I m writing these posts: to educate you. So you call me in the middle of the night. What could I possibly be doing at 3am… Hum … Let me think? Yes that s right I m Sleeping!!! Oh waouh what a revelation!! You are not waking me up anyway because my phone is on silent mode but it s just the principle of calling in the middle of the night which repulse me. Then after when I talk to your dumb self, you apologize saying your cock took over your brain!! I mean give me a break man seriously!!! Then after you swear you never disrespect anyone in your life and that you are actually an awesome guy. URGH please please please!!! Well will see if you enjoy a 3am call in the middle of the week when you need to go to work in the morning. Hey, hey!!

With Love.
Miss FTW.
All good
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Joined: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:40 am

Re: Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by All good »

Hello gentlemen around and readers, Miss Fuck The World here. Since the start of my reviews, I received a lot of responses from gentlemen and I thank you all for your support. I have notice though that a few of you think that I won t go very far away with my “client hate” attitude and I will need therapy really soon.

First of all let me say I LOVE MY JOB. I love so much that job that I don t even want to have another job on the side. I love pleasing men and I love being pleased in return (kisses and money are a girl s best friends!). We all have things in our jobs that we would like to change: the over chatty colleague, the boss who rules by fear, long commuting time to reach work… I don t know anyone who is 100 percent happy with their job! So this is what I do through my articles: I m pinpointing all these negatives little things which unfortunately make my amazing job very hard. I want to educate you because if you recognize yourself through some descriptions, I may be able to open up your eyes and maybe you might realize that you are misbehaving with a lovely girl. Sex workers are here to please you, to listen to you and to make you feel like a king. I don t believe that most of us are psycho at the start. But yes, some men made us psychotic because we are constantly pushed and our comfort zone is poked again and again. In my first review I was talking about the lack of logic of certain persons:

‘’Me: I m available between 8am and 4pm
Mr. X: ok can I see you at 6pm? ...
Me: no I finish at 4pm.
Mr. X : ah ok so can I see you at 4.30pm....
I mean really? Then of course I loose my cool and then comes Mr. X insulting me... Very classy.

Me: I only work weekdays.
Mr. x: ok can I see you Saturday?
Urgh... ‘’

I really don t understand how people can function in this world with this kind of attitude. How can you go through life and make some decisions for yourself and your kids !!! It s very scary… I’m daily fascinated by men’s stupidity and it is nearly a topic of research for me to understand the mechanism which are not happening in their brain. I had this guy contacting last week again… He is blacklisted under “player” in my phone which means that he always chat chat chat at the phone with me but never decides to take a booking. So after the third times, I decide to limit my texts to one single answer all the time “ I m not interested” just to see how far his madness goes:

MrX: How are you?
Me: I m not interested.
MrX: so you still live in Sydney, I want to see you soon.
Me: I m not interested.
MrX: I love your pics with your add. Great body. What s wrong? I can change your mind with extra tip?
Me: I m not interested. ( I know he won t take a booking, this guy has been in my contact list for more than three years and I never saw the color of his money. But I wanted to play the game a little bit more).
MrX: You sound like a lovely girl ( I mean really bitch? And you can tell that by text according to which words?? I/m/not or interested? Give me a break bitch! )
Me: I m not interested

Anyway the exchange of text continues like this for ever and always with my same reply “ I m not interested”. Guys please, I do know a lot of us feels lonely at times, but do yourself a favor, go to the RSPCA, adopt a cat, call your therapist, but don t turn a lovely sex worker into an uncontrollable psychotic woman because she can t comprehend the depth of your stupidity. Please, take some medications, drink some green tea but don t drag a lovely girl into your mad world. Please guys I do beg you to take care of all of lovely sex workers around. I started posting my reviews on hooker looker and I see a lot of “whores haters” on this website. How can you see a sweet hooker and consider that she is a piece of garbage for doing the job she does. Remember that you are paying to fuck this piece of garbage! Have some respect, treat our Sydney girls like princesses ( we don t care about the other states!! Hey hey fuck them!! ). I m sure you take care of them in the bedroom but I m talking here about their beautiful spirit and mind. Cheer them up, make them smile, don t drive them crazy. We are here for you guys, waiting for you everyday for your phone calls. But please, be smart, be proactive and dynamic. If you behave like a slug we can t do a lot for you. I do love you guys seriously, not just because I owe my living to you, but I genuinely love you and we all want to take care of you. So let s be all nice to one another and have the best fun possible.

Miss FTW.
All good
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Re: Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by All good »

Today I will tackle the topic of all the "gentlemen" asking me for a discount.
So first of all, I have obviously fixed some rates according to the time you want to spend with me.
Let s say 30min is $250 and 1h $300 ( these rates are taken as examples)

When I have a lovely guy asking me " can you do 50 for 30 min?"

Ok this is what happens in my head:

First of all, if you want to be a pimp and decide on the girl s rate, please be my guest and create your escort agency.
Second thought, how come the guy thinks that I have this rate randomly? Of I understand there are a lot of different rates around, but guess what? How come you can pay a burger at 8 bucks at MacDonald and then a burger at 25 bucks at your local coffee shop? Hum maybe there is a difference of quality? Maybe they put some extra ingredients ? Maybe they prepare it with extra care and delivery it to you with the nicest smile? But, please if you don t care about an excellent customer service, don t bother me and try to make me lower my standards. If you can t afford the five star restaurant you are welcome to dine at the pub. Be my guest.
Thirdly, ( it s going to be hard explaining this one after using the comparison with the food industry, I kind of shoot myself in the foot! Hey hey) , when you ask me to open my legs and mouth for 50 dollars ( sorry to be rude ), do you realize that you are dealing with a human being? Yes I do give you my body but have a little bit of respect, I m a human being. You are asking a woman to give herself to you and by reducing her rate to the bare minimum , what kind of image do you have of a woman? Just a piece of dirt you can dispose of, I m lower than the dog as I don t deserve to be treated up to the sacrifice I m making, to give you my attention and affection for 30min and make you feel like a king? Then you may use the argument that a lot of girls put a higher rate but they are ready to lower it. Well, shame on them as they don t understand the beautiful treasure that we are giving you. But please, if you see a price written in an add, just respect it! You don t go to a restaurant and say " hey I want the burger at 25 dollars, but I consider it just worth 10bucks." Well guess what? Ciao!
Fourthly, you can clearly see the rate, but you still call " I just have 50 bucks and I want to see you." Well guess what again! Come back when you can afford me! Why do you make me loose my time?
I m sure I forgot so many other points on the discount topic, but it s late and I wanted to share it with you. Please feel free to reply via email. It s always a pleasure to read you.
Lots of love.
miss Fuck The World.
All good
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Joined: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:40 am

Re: Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by All good »

Hi everyone,
I m going to be honest. I do think the majority of you on this website are all sex workers haters. You disdain prostitutes and treat them like trash and rotten pieces of meat. I read all of your reviews and i can t see any ounce of respect for our hard working sex workers around. i really do believe that there are some gentle men around, but when i receive these kind of messages, i loose faith:

From: lex.halft@outlook.com

You need to get a life , you're a fucking hooker jeez lol.. and before you call me fat and ugly , I'm actually quite the opposite- a young fit sexy man.

looking forward to meeting up with you and pounding the fuck out of your pussy


And my response:
Hi Lex,

Thank you for your message. I didn t have the intention to call you fat and ugly. I m herebto open a dialogue between clients and sex workers. Using insults to solve your anger management issue won t be very helpful for both of us. First of all, i do consider your virulent comment as a form of interest for my articles. After all, if you didn t care about my posts, if you didn t recognise yourself in some ways, why would you have taken on your precious time to answer me. I do also understand that the only vengeance that you offer is to pound me like the whore i am. Well, if your penis is the only weapon you have to defend yourself, i advertise you to reasses your situation in this life. You might need to use your brain first at some occasions instead of wearing out your tool down below. I wish you all the best. You seem out of my league and i wouldn t like spoiling your wonderful world by offering you my fat and ugly body. Thank you for your offer but i don t feel up to the task. I wish you all the best.
Lots of love.

Miss FTW.
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Re: Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by bender »

Attention All Good, you are skating on this ice, so far I have only tolerated your nonsense for comedy value. Please don't make the assumption that you are special. You are just another person here. Either read and abide by our generous rules or piss off.
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Re: Let me educate you reviews.

Unread post by screamingeagle3 »

cause shes skating on thin ice i assume not this ice. Thats because shes female and a hooker, shes absolutely correct in everything she has said and i find it odd blender that you always caustion the SWs on here
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