9 Exceller Ave Bankstown - Sharin

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9 Exceller Ave Bankstown - Sharin

Unread post by path1k »

Rang up the shop yesterday after work as I haven't been there in a while , two girls were currently on: an African girl and an Egyptian girl - the second I heard the word "Egyptian" my eyes lit up in excitement because not only am I a simp for Arab woman, Egypt specifically is the background of my all time favourite WL Mikayla who kept the line up full at Croydon a good 6 years ago.

About an hour later I arrived at Excelsior Ave, sat in the guest room for 15 minutes waiting for her current session to end.

I overheard a client ringing up the manager in regards to yesterday's roster.

He told her they currently have a black woman and Arab woman on + later into the night around 11:00pm two more woman will arrive to start their shifts: one Italian and the other Turkish who's name is Bella if I heard correctly.

That kept the momentum going, two Arab girls in one shop!? A very rare occurrence in this day and age.

Later on a woman rang up the shop to inform the manager she's running late. She had a nice deep, aggressive voice Arab woman are known for which strongly suggested that's the Turkish girl.

A voice I would compare to Christina Aguilera.

Anyway when I met Sharin at intro, to my slight disappointment she doesn't have the typical sexy Arab lady stereotype look - turns out she's ½ Asian and looked more Malaysian/ Philipino / Cambodian than Arab.

Even her accent sounds Islander / Philo, the vibes I got from her was bi-sexual (can't confirm though as I never asked) she has short her for a girl (like Elen)

Short, chubby build - reminds me of Selina from Croydon BUT with a better skin tone (golden tan) Sharin has decent teeth and coughs occasionally which suggest she might be a vaper? She's in her late 30's.

Her thighs were more firm and harder than the average WL (I suspect she gained that extra muscle from having to carry all that upper body fat around)

From what I observed, her tactic seems to be to waste time so she can avoid having to do much yet still get paid:

Offered me a massage + kept trying to socialize and talk to me about personal or semi-personal stuff WHICH I don't mind if it occured after I shot my load and had time to spare before my session ended.

Decent boobs but her nipples aren't sensitive and don't stiffen up.

One thing which displeased me was when I was ready to penetrate her she got into a doggy position and was reluctant to to try anything else (I prefer missionary) I understand most girls don't allow anal but apart from that it should be the customers choice on which position we do as we're the ones paying in my opinion.

Overall the experience was slightly below average:
Looks 6/10
Service 4.5/10

If you're considering visiting Sexy 9 (especially to try a new WL) I'd recommending trying to get a hold of the Italian girl who's name is yet to be learned or Turkish Bella as either one sounds more promising than Sharin.

I refrained from mentioning her exact background or age as it might make her to easy to ID outside the shop, if you'd like to know those specific details feel free to PM me.

Happy weekend fellas!
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